The Diocese of Reno is committed to the safety of our children and vulnerable adults.
Through the “Protecting God’s Children” program we train all adults who are employed as well as those who volunteer within our parishes and agencies who have contact with children. This training helps all to be more aware of how to protect children and vulnerable adults, and also the possible warning signs of abuse and neglect. It is the policy of the Diocese of Reno that all volunteers participate in the Safe Environment Program. This means all volunteers need to register in the Virtus programs, take a background check and read the required amount of bulletins. Those who volunteer directly with children will need to submit fingerprints. All employees, including clergy, will also need to submit fingerprints. All volunteers and staff will also need to resubmit a background check or fingerprints every five years.
Together, all of us working together, can help to create safe environments in our parish, schools, facilities and even beyond.