Promote sociability among members and fellowship among the church’s congregation.
Promote charitable service to the church with activities each year, such as but not limited to, money for Christmas cheer, scholarships, help to needy families, donation of clothing, food for the poor and needy, and any other such activity approved by the members.
Assist in promoting and supporting the members of Snows Women’s Auxiliary and the Knights of Columbus, Council Number 4997.
Officers Effective July 1, 2024
President: Gayle Carlson
Vice Pres: Carol Burr
Rec. Sec: Mona Wilcox
Treasurer: Susann Boley
Appointed Positions:
Corres. Sec: Barbara Clark
Sgt at Arms: Betty Mullins
Membership: Cindy McLaughlin
Opening Prayer: Ellie Lawson-Gilgovan