The Diocese of Reno will provide Speakers in English and Spanish as part of the ongoing Eucharistic Revival. Check out the dates, times and locations. Register via the QR code on the image.
Oct 12 will be at St. Rose of Lima
A ballot (Question 6) issue this November seeks to amend the abortion law here in Nevada. There are several parts of this that are of concern, even beyond that of Abortion itself.
It removes all parental notification requirements which benefits child traffickers among other bad actors.
It permits non-doctors to perform abortions which will damage women.
It permits abortion at all stages even until the actual moment of birth.
As Christians who value human life, we cannot permit the pro-abortion forces to succeed. They will use misinformation and fear to trick people into thinking that they will lose all access to abortion if they do not pass this amendment. That is simply not true. Abortion (sadly) is already enshrined in Nevada State Law and is protected.