For children who go to public schools, kindergarten thru 8th grade:
Pope Francis talks and writes constantly about “Encountering” God, and CRE helps the children learn how to see Him, hear Him, talk to Him, and love Him. It also helps them understand that we Encounter Jesus in the sacraments, in prayer, at Mass, in service, and in Scripture, as well as in people, pets, and nature.
Children are just beginning their lives as disciples and we love educating and helping form them in their spirituality!
Classes are offered both Wednesday afternoons, 3:45-4:45 and Sunday mornings, 8:45-9:45 (many go directly to 10:00 am Mass following Sunday class). Of course, children are only taught about the faith if there are adults to teach and pass on the faith. Please contact Dr. Lauri Anne Reinhart; 775-329-6147. or indicate it on your registration form if you are interested.